Should Marriage Take Lessons From Car Dealerships?


First of all I should mention I have never been married and am only 20 years old. Although I am still young I have thought about marriage and children. I know that I want to get married and have a child, however I DO NOT want that child coming out of my body because I cannot even bare period pain, let alone a human being exiting me! Now consider this idea I have, to eliminate divorce and the agony people feel after their divorces I propose that we create leases for our significant others. These leases would be exactly like a car lease. It would go a little something like the following. The lease would be a contract agreed upon by both parties, the man and woman. They would decide to get “joined” for five years. If at the end of those five years they are pleased with the interior of the vehicle along with the less important exterior, they can renew their lease, for life, or for simply another five years. The trick is the big white wedding would not occur with the leases. The 500 people white wedding occurs if you buy the car and decide that you no longer wish to lease the car. This means that the cost of a wedding will not be spent until the couple knows they will likely be successful together. The interior of the car is the engine, the leather seats and the wheel. These are synonymous to the heart of the significant other. The heart and soul is the most important aspect of the person you love. If this changes, the lease should not be renewed. The exterior of the car is also important however, in my opinion if the interior engine of the car is still compassionate than a few dents and scratches on the car simply show character. Now on a political note, if marriage was a lease, this could solve the issue of gay marriage perhaps. Wouldn’t you love to see Washington debate gay marriage leases?! To sum it up, if we make a contract with our significant other than our marriages will occur later on in life, divorces will not be common and children will grow up with both parents instead of visiting one parent on the weekends. So...should marriage take lessons from car dealerships?


Anonymous said...

Interesting lil sis

Anonymous said...

I think the "lease" has traditionally been known as the dating period and/or engagement. This is when you're supposed to try to understand the heart of your significant other and determine if you want to sign up for the long haul and possibly marriage. But it doesn't matter what you do before, whether you lease each other or live together or correspond on FaceBook, things ARE different after those vows are exchanged. That easy going relationship can turn into a load of expectations and responsibilities that never surface during the lease/dating chapter of the fairy tale. Or you could just live happily ever after...

Anonymous said...

its just a witty article....chillax man :)